Worship Volunteer Opportunities

VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP SHEETS ARE IN THE GATHERING ROOM. There is something for everyone to participate in our Sunday worship services. PLEASE SIGN-UP TODAY. Thank you.

Sunday Worship Volunteers: we need you!

Altar Guild: The Altar Guild takes care of the communion ware, paraments, and chancel area. A team volunteers for a month's service of Altar Guild duties. This includes setting up communion for each service and caring for furnishings, appointments, paraments, banners, and candles, as well as the linens, communion ware, supplies, etc. Yearly training is done usually in January.

Coffee Fellowship is held each Sunday after services. Families volunteer to provide and serve snacks. Usually a couple of sweet items, fruit and crackers are served. Coffee is set up by the ushers.

Ushers: Contact our Head Usher Don Schneider to volunteer for ushering. We have usher training periodically during the year.

Acolytes: Acolyte training is held during the year and usually involves confirmation age children. Pastor and the Elders administer the acolyte program.

Scripture Readers: We need a scripture reader for each service to read the Old Testament Lesson and Epistle Lesson. They are printed on the back of the bulletin and listed on the Special People sheet given out at the beginning of the month.

Sound Room: We need a volunteer in the sound room for each service to record the services and make sure the sound is audible.

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